Who are we?
We are students of nutrition in Mexiquense Univerisdad Bicentennial.
Hello my name is Adriana Concepcion Morales Osorio I have 19 years I am studying Nutrition because I like to help people and know about nutrition mainly diabetic I would like to work in a hospital, my goal is to finish college princial and to develop as a nutritionist profecionista .
Hello my name Mireya Luis Lalazar I have 20 years I am studying nutrition mainly because for me it is a career that will allow me to help in many ways to others, that is something I like, because I want to make my profession my life, to end at I would like to work as part of a future industrial dining desire a dietitian relaying what I learn every day meets my main objective of reducing overall health risk caused by poor nutrition.
Hello my name is Lesly Ivette Palacios Barón 20 years I have studied nutrition chose this career because I found very interesting and fun and authentic in the future I would like to work in a hospital to help people improve their eating habits.
Thare through this web site information about health and nutrition.
That the person who reads it can take wing practiced in everyday life